The National Transgender Advocacy Network
Established in 2018, we are a consortium that works to support Transgender, gender diverse, and intersex (TGDI) movements in Kenya through action, freedom, power, and knowledge-building approaches that focus on building socio-cultural support networks among Trans* movements to voice their concerns and to stimulate capacity building that inform organizational learning that is strategic, authentic, visible and Trans*-led. Our vision is to “see a society that upholds gender equality, dignity, respect and fairness for all Trans* people.
Who We Are
The National Network has several core functions that support Trans* organizations to prepare for and respond to the complexities they face in different regions:
Organizational Membership includes,
Jinsiangu and Trans*Alliance (TA) as co-chairs to the network, Pwani Transgender Initiative (PTI), Muamko Mpya, Malindi Desire, Trans Sisters Network Nakuru, Trans Support Organization (TSO), Lake Basin Initiative for Transgender Empowerment (LABASITE), OutStar Busia, Bungoma Life Ambassadors, Tula Self Help Group, and Youths for Equality Forum Homabay.
Our Partners
Network collaborating partners include the Key Populations Consortium of Kenya (KPC), Kenya Sex Workers Alliance (KESWA), Gay HIV Prevention Network of Kenya (GHPN), Kenya Network of People Who Use Drugs (KeNPUD), Kenya National Commission of Human Rights (KNCHR), and the Kenya CSOs UPR Coalition.
With The People For The People
Our Work
Our gender-affirming healthcare-related advocacy and service-delivery learning are focused on contributing to expanding Trans, gender non-binary, and Intersex person’s participation through in-country global partnerships with healthcare systems advocating for deliberate inclusion of gender identity, gender expression, and bodily diversity issues in the work of donors, health systems, and with local, national, regional and international organizations working on primary healthcare needs of trans, gender non-binary and intersex persons grounded in international human rights practice standards.
International, National, County level Advocacy
Our involvement in local, national, and International Human Rights systems aims to end human rights violations based on gender identity, gender expression, and bodily diversity issues, including those of criminalization, exclusion, violence, stigma, and discrimination holding governments accountable to social justice indigenous issues.
Community At The Centre
We are working to create a radical expansion of political organizing by formally plugging Trans* organizations in different sectors to harness their specific input and expertise on gender identity, gender expression, and bodily diversity issues at the local, national, regional, and international levels so that activists can participate in all decision-making processes affecting their communities.
Empowering Communities & Individuals
Our approach to knowledge management aims to promote an integrated approach to identifying, capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing NTAN’s information assets. These assets include databases, documents, policies, procedures, and previously un-captured expertise and experience in Network membership organizations.